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Methuselah's children

VOLUME 38, NO. 09, March 5, 2002 The Medical Post

Methuselah's children

In their book, two B.C. doctors argue that human growth hormone is the key to extending our healthy years

By Paul Courtice

   Life is a series of struggles. We overcome mumps, but succumb to heart attack; survive a car accident, but not prostate cancer. To a degree we are all ticking time bombs.
   Every test is fatal if we fail it; an ongoing tug-of-war between entropy and homeostasis. Still, most of us endure one narrow escape after another to reach the inevitability of aging, as it slowly takes apart the order that is life.
   So a longer spin on life is something that appeals to many of us. Fountain-of-youth Web sites pledge a plethora of anti-aging potions and promise of phenomenal hormonal happenings only to leave the consumer set adrift.
   But don't despair. Drs. Donald McLeod and Philip White are challenging Father Time in their new co-authored book, Doctors' Secrets: The Road to Longevity. Committed to life's continuity, they have unravelled much of the anti-aging ambiguity that may add more candles to the longevity cake.
   With Dr. McLeod as president and Dr. White as vice-president of the Canadian Longevity and Anti-Aging Academy, the two B.C. physicians lecture nationwide on longevity medicine and lifestyle adjustment.
   The authors visualize the ability to direct events at cellular and molecular levels as the key to unlock the extension of life. "What lies before us is a revolution within our bodies," assert the authors. "We are now at the threshold of halting, and even reversing, the aging process."
   While their 350-page book covers the entire latitude of longevity theories and therapies, its focus is hormone replacements, and specifically the monarch of these chemical messengers: the human growth hormone (HGH).
   In defence of the hormone's alleged clock-stopping properties and double-digit age-reversing attributes, they cite the HGH experiments carried out by Drs. Daniel Rudman and Cass Terry at the Medical College of Wisconsin, along with those of Dr. Edmund Chien at the Life Extension Institute in Palm Springs, Calif. Their tests showed measurable improvements in muscle mass, fat loss, skin texture, sexual potency, exercise endurance, energy level, emotional stability, hair growth, memory function and more.
   Still, applying the logic that putting back what has been lost must be rejuvenating is a provocative concept not embraced by all. Acclaimed science writer Robin Merantz Henig claims anti-aging therapy has not proven conclusively to make adifference in how long you will live or how well you will age.
   "I think everyone in an anti-aging program will disagree with that," counters Dr. McLeod. "We definitely see the improved health of patients who follow a scientific, evidence-based longevity regime."
   Longevity medicine, the authors point out, is not alternative medicine, and unlike geriatrics, the aim is preventive rather than disease treatment.
   "It is pro-active medicine that will be mainstream medicine in the next decade," says Dr. McLeod, "and we are trying to disseminate the information about longevity medicine so the general public and physicians alike know what is going on. In the States, there are some 10,000 longevity-practising physicians."
   "In longevity medicine we are not necessarily trying to make anybody live longer," Dr. White reminds us. "What we are trying to do is to improve the way we age . . . to enable us to live healthier as long as possible."
   To which Dr. McLeod adds: "We want people to die young as old as possible!"
   Yet, the authors do acknowledge limitations: Don't expect magicians to pull rabbits from wrinkled hats. "We like to see a person start an anti-aging program at 25," says Dr. White. "When the aging process has taken us to the point where we might be compared to raisins, HGH will not likely restore us to where we might be compared to new grapes."
   Still, knowing what causes the body's power plant to falter long before God's warranty expires lets us in on what HGH is trying to fix, and how it is supposed to do it. The two doctors have targeted a number of faulty functions in the mitochondria and, in particular, cite two attributes of aging.
   With every gulp we breathe, some of our life-giving oxygen converts to corrosive free radicals that stir up storms of destructive enzymes (proteases). Like a rusting car, these free radicals slowly eat away our cell structures. One estimate suggests oxidants bombard our cellular DNA about 10,000 times daily.
   The two also detail a second destructive force within our cellular structure: the genetic time clock. Attached to ends of our chromosomes are aglet-like telomeres, akin to the plastic tips on shoelaces. Over the years, as cells divide, our telomeres shorten to the point where cells cease division and die.
   So let's look at the specs on HGH replacement. The good news: antioxidants (vitamin C and E) counter some free radical damage, but HGH interferes more effectively with the destructive proteases by chasing after those rascally radicals to curtail their oxidizing freedom. Furthermore, to reset the time clock and check telomere-shortening, say the authors, "HGH is also thought to hold strong promise in promoting the release of telomerase."
   Now the bad news: To extend our lives one or two decades is going to set us back a weekly outlay of some $200 to $300 (HGH administered daily by injection, necessitating close medical supervision). Few of us could sustain such an exotic longevity lifestyle, but adds Dr. McLeod, "for 90% of us pursuing longevity medicine, injection HGH may not be necessary."
   Why? Because direct access to our own pituitary source of HGH provides a satisfactory alternative to the injection and monitoring procedure. Throughout our lifespan our pituitary produces HGH, but releases less with age. Secretagogues, Drs. White and McLeod point out, can raise HGH concentration from the pituitary into the blood stream to achieve comparable longevity benefits.
   The secretagogues (HGH releasers) they suggest are among some dozen supplemental amino acids, L-dopa, vitamin B6 and niacin. Foods rich in nutritional value are also effective growth hormone releasers. "Veggies pack an antioxidant wallop. Eat a rainbow of colours," says a January Time magazine article.
   Finally, HGH enhancement offers a lifestyle approach to achieve balanced hormonal release. "Appropriate exercise, proper diet and adequate sleep all act as natural HGH releasers. The best bang for the buck," they prescribe, "would be to combine all the elements of healthy living with secretagogues."
   The remaining chapters—beyond the first 100 pages of Doctors' Secrets—take a closer look at HGH's effects on organs, tissues, muscles and bones, endocrine and immune systems, the thymus and sexual dysfunctions.
   Besides HGH, other hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and melatonin), along with deoxidizing vitamins (A, C, E and beta-carotene) are discussed for their anti-aging qualities. "But the function of most is usually quite narrow when compared to HGH," say the authors.
   You are what you don't eat. Caloric restriction, believed to increase HGH levels in the body, seems to be the hottest ticket among longevity and nutrition researchers. Generally the authors agree, and hypothesize why. Perhaps radically cutting calories will slow one's metabolism to the point that fewer free radicals form in the first place? Still, is some draconian diet worth five or 10 extra years in which you are perpetually cold, painfully thin and constantly hungry?
   "Exercises with weights," the anti-aging specialists say, "have been shown to raise the levels of HGH." At the same time, increase in exercise generates a degree of free radicals. Some gerontologists claim that vigorous exercise before age 40 will extend your life by only two years. If you hate weightlifting, are the two extra years really worth it?
   It is also possible that we may learn things from the Human Genome Project that may turn us all into Methuselah. "At least some of the aging process is determined genetically," the authors allow, "and through genetic manipulation, extension of life is eminently possible."
   Stem cells, in the longevity arena, find a low profile in Doctors' Secrets. "Stem cells have not yet delivered on their promise," maintains Dr. White. "The problem is in finding non-committed (pluri-potent) stem cells that you can turn into any tissue you want. You have got to go way back in the embryo to get those."
   The book also tells us little about the social, psychological, ethical and economic effects of turning back the clock. If we could live to 200, could society accommodate the growth in population? And if there were to be no end to our existence, what motivation would there be to fill it? Many may prefer to improve the quality, rather than the quantity of life.
   The ethical arguments are also important, but they may be overridden by our instincts for survival. Most of us would probably welcome a longer life, even at the cost and uncertainty of social and political upheaval. Longevity is just too compelling a temptation.
  —Paul Courtice is a Vancouver writer.

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